A job is so much more than the words on a page, formatted and packaged into an attractive position description. A job is work taken on by a person. As such a job is performed or fulfilled by someone with a unique complex identity. This means that an individual’s approach to, and engagement in, prioritization and strategic planning, equity, inclusion and social justice, collaboration and team building, ideation and brainstorming, employee relations and office dynamics, diversity, supervision, and leadership, is anything but monolithic.
Our race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and expression, socio-economic background, age, nationality or national origin, mental and physical ability, political beliefs, education, and career experience coupled with their values, beliefs and personality will all influence the ways in which the words an employer has written on paper will come to life in practice.
The past 22 months have resurfaced this reality and shined a light on the fact that employees and job seekers are not just interested in the “what” of a job. They want to know how the job is expected to be done so that they can determine if who they are is congruent with that expectation. They also want an understanding about how the job will influence who they will become, both personally and professionally, as a result of working a particular job, within a particular institution or organization.
So, how do we as a profession move uplift narrative sharing as a vital part of the interview and recruitment process and incorporate it ethically with regards to interview bias? Connect with us on social media this month and share your thoughts. Then, join us Thursday, February 24, at 12PM EST as we discuss the question: How do we ethically uplift narrative sharing as a vital part of the interview and recruitment process?
Connect on Social Media for the Question of the Week!
- This Week: How does who you are shape the ways that you show up to your work and perform your work?
- Next Week: What ways can narrative sharing be incorporated into the interview process?
Register for our Live Talk
- Thursday, February 24, 2022 at 12PM EST “How do we ethically uplift narrative sharing as a vital part of the interview and recruitment process?” (Register Now!)
Upcoming TPE Talks
- March: Join us IN PERSON at NASPA for two TPE Talks: “Embracing the free agent experience” and “What got us here won’t get us there”
- April: “The New Exchange: Transforming the way that we job search, recruit, retain, and advance the workforce in higher education”